Nerves are often the source of pain, sending signals to the brain when they are impacted. A pinched nerve refers to any nerve that is under pressure. In the spine, nerve roots run through the vertebral column, surrounded by bone, cartilage and soft tissues. It only takes a slight change in the configuration to put pressure on one of those nerves, causing pain and other discomfort.
The problem with pinched nerves is the pain or discomfort you feel will most likely not be where nerve is under pressure. The impacted nerve can send the brain a false message that your hip or leg is in pain, yet the issue is actually in your lumbar back area. At Atlanta Spine, Dr. Bhatti can identify pinched nerve issues and offer treatments to relieve the pressure on these nerves. Through physical therapy, medications, injection therapy or even minimally invasive surgery, the problem can be resolved to improve your pain and discomfort.
What are the Symptoms and Causes of Pinched Nerves?
The symptoms of a pinched nerve can vary depending on which nerve is affected and where. While it is possible that the pain will be localized in the area where the nerve is located, that is not always the case. In the cervical or neck region, nerves can cause pain, tingling or numbness throughout the upper body, including the shoulders, arms, hands and even the jaw. When the nerve is in the middle or lower back, the pain can be throughout the lower back, pelvis, legs and feet. The sciatic nerve in the far lower lumber region is especially susceptible to pressure.
There are many different causes of pressure on the nerves. Discs that become herniated or bulge can put pressure on the nerve roots. Arthritis, inflammation and other soft tissues issues can also cause a pinched nerve. Spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal can be another cause, along with bone spurs.
Regardless of the cause of a spinal pinched nerve, Dr. Bhatti can offer a solution to relieve the pain and symptoms. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation to relieve your pinched nerve issues.